Sunday, September 29, 2013

Family Vacation 2013 Holden Beach

We enjoyed our vacation last year so much that we decided to go back and do it over again this year! We went with the same 2 families back to Holden Beach. We rented a different house this year, and I think we all agreed that this house better fit our needs. Once again, the weather was perfect and we had a great time.

our home for a week

Hattie busted her lip on the 2nd day of vacation

I think the men enjoyed some down time

the boys were together 99% of the time

the boys enjoyed sleeping in

Sarah: "This is the biggest smile in the world."

Thomas caught a tiny fish

We enjoyed spending time with our friends

Sarah trying to save Thomas from this gorilla

Its rare that I get a picture of all 4 kids together

Brave kids LOL

We seen a man struggling with his fishing pole for a good while, and decided to hang around to see what he caught. It was well worth the wait to see this sting ray.

Another man caught this shark and we hung around for a minute while he set it free.
the day we got to the beach we got to see some baby turtles making their way to the ocean

This was taken on the bridge going onto the island

We said goodbye at Cracker Barrel

All the kids together 

Thanks for stopping by to hear about our vacation!

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