Curriculum 2012-2013

Thomas 8 years~2nd grade
Nathaniel~6 years Kindergarten

This year I have combined my boys in Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory
From this book we study:
*Bible {weekly Bible memory verses, Morning Bells}
*Poetry {weekly poem read aloud}

I have also combined the boys in some Abeka work. 
*Health (Health, Safety, and Manners 1) and (Health, Safety, and Manners 2)
*Science (Enjoying God's World)
*History (Our America)

*Writing {Draw Write Now}


Thomas is a cub scout {wolf}, and plays soccer in the spring.

We don't follow a set schedule, or order with our schooling. We usually start school around 10:30 am and finish in a about 3 hours {not including breaks}.

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