Curriculum 2013-2014


Thomas~9 years, 3rd grade
Nathaniel~7 years, 1st grade
Sarah~4 years, preschool
Hattie~2 years {just being a toddler}

 Thomas {3rd} and Nathaniel {1st} will work on these together:

 *Our main focus this year will be using The Prairie Primer, a unit study based on the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I also purchased the Binder Builder to go along with this. The Prairie Primer will cover all subjects needed for the school year, but I wanted to add in extra things in as well. 

*Bible/Devotional {I will add to this list as we move on to other books}
Thomas {3rd grade}
*Cursive/Manuscript writing practice
Nathaniel {1st grade}

*Writing practice
Sarah {preschool}

Sarah will be using the preschool curriculum from Blue Manor Academy this year,  along with a  number of preschool books that I've picked up from Goodwill, Value Village, The Dollar Tree, and even a few that were given to me. I will also be using lots of printables with her from Confessions of A Homeschooler's  LOTW, K4 curriculum, and pre K daily notebook.

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