Thursday, May 9, 2013

Unit 34 review {BLHFHG}

Unit 34 review Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory {+ extras}

Bible Verse:

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing.  
I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto
those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize 
of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ.
Phillipians 3:13-14

This week's focus was on Abraham Lincoln and the Transcontinental Railroad. Here is a little about what we learned about Abe.

Abraham Lincoln:
*born in Kentucky
*born in a log cabin
*moved many times as a child
*16th US President

We also looked at a comparison chart of Abraham Lincoln and Bro. Branham and the boys were amazed at the similarities.

While Lincoln was president, he approved of the Transcontinental Railroad that would cross America. Two groups of people worked on the railroad, the Irish and the Chinese.  We read a story about a boy named Mike, who was from Ireland. Mike was a "water boy" and helped carry water to the men, including his father, that worked building the railroad. The water the men drank was hot and stale {yuck}. As the railroad was coming to completion, the 2 groups of men had a race by trying to "outlay" the other group. The boys had a sock race to see who could get more socks in a basket.

We filled in the last of our timeline this week as well.

When the track was finished people from all across America came to celebrate.

We filled 2 cups with water. One with HOT water and the other with COLD. Then we put food coloring in both at the same time. We could see that the food coloring in the HOT water went to the bottom faster. This is because when something is hot, the molecules move more quickly.

We also read where the Chinese workers had to blast through mountains to build the track. We learned about the 3 layers of the Earth.  And then we made our own example of the Earth.

We finished our Folk Tale, The Apple and The Arrow. The boys really enjoyed this book. We talked about virtue, and compare/contrast again.


We also pained some clouds with sweetened condensed milk.



Thomas made his own pizza

Sarah eating her favorite {french toast} before going to preschool

Thomas made this for one of his scout says: cool lego ship

Lunch with a friend and some legos

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