Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Unit 32 review {BLHFHG}

Unit 32 Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory {+ extras}

A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: 
and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24  

We named our best friends, and talked about our BEST friend, Jesus. He cares for/about us when it seems that no one else does.

This week our focus was on the Oregon and the California Trail. 

 We started the week off with a story about a little girl named Nell, who had traveled the Oregon Trail with her family. She was 10 years old and was left alone by her father to take care of her twin siblings for a few days. Why, you ask? Her mother was sick and her father needed to take her to a nearby town to get medical help. While caring for the twins, Nell gave them some molasses and a feather to play with until they fell asleep. Nell accidentally fell asleep along with the twins, and awoke to strange noises outside. It was a BEAR!! He had smelled the molasses and opened to door to find it. Nell threw the molasses jar outside and then shot the bear with a pistol.

Nell shooting the bear

After reading about Nell and the Oregon Trail, we read a story about a boy named Ken. Ken traveled alone to meet his father on the California Trail.  Ken's father had went to California to find gold, but he didn't find very much and opened a store instead. During Ken's journey west, California became the 31st state in 1850. 

We made a bar graph of the population in California in the years: 1848,1849, and 1852.

kinda hard to see, but this is an overhead view of the graph

upclose view of graph
*The huge increase in population is because gold was found during that time in California.

We found a map with markings of the Oregon Trail and studied it . 

We remembered that the Oregon Trail started in Missouri. 

Some other places we talked about were:
Platte River
Mississippi River
Great Plains
South Pass
Snake River
Columbia River
Oregon City

We read about bears and learned that black bears can grow to be 10 feet tall and weigh up to 1,700 pounds.

Bears dont have hands like we do, but they have paws. What would it be like to have a paw instead of a hand? We found out......with paws you cant pinch things!! 

it would be hard to write with a paw

Sarah's paw

picking up an eraser

Boots picked up a paper clip

Artistic Expression:
We talked about how God watches over us all the time. He NEVER sleeps, and he never gets sleepy or tired. 

We finished our realistic fiction book, Mountain Born, this week. The boys really enjoyed this story.  We talked about our favorite character{s}. We talked about problems in the story and what we might have done to solve the problem. 

We learned about wind, storms, and weather in our Abeka studies.



The boys finished up their Horizons studies this week. They are excited to be finished up with those. Thomas will be taking his end of grade testing as soon as I order it!! 

We won a set of Toob toys from a giveaway on  Grace Filled Homeschooling's blog. The boys were allowed to choose 1 Toob. They were torn between the Powhatan Indians and the Jamestown Settlers, but choose the Indians. When the Toob arrived from Safari Ltd. inside we found lots of goodies.

*Powhatan Indians
*Jamestown Settlers
*North American Wildlife

Also, an egg with a baby dinosaur inside, a calendar, and also a pack of good luck mini's. 

These have been a big hit here at the house!!

"Hattie, dont mess with them". ~Boots

Indians VS Settlers

Hattie fell asleep eating!

Thomas reading his ER book.



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