Friday, February 15, 2013

unit 24 review {BLHFHG}

Unit 24  {Beyond Little Hearts For His Glory} + extras

The Bible verses this week were reviews of the past few weeks.
On Friday, we read about Saul trying to kill David, yet David sparing Saul's life. David trusted God to guide him and didnt listen to his men.
We made a desert, a crag {a steep, rough rock}, and a cave just like the story, but in the picture its a little hard to tell the dimensions.  

The week started with reading a letter written at the time of the Revolution  from little Tabitha, to her cousin John. John had been visiting several months before and she was "filling him in" on the latest news. She told him about George Washington visiting Mistress Betsey Ross, and asking her to stitch together a new flag to represent all the colonies. Tabitha was a lonely little girl, and Mistress Ross was a widow so the two were very kind to one another. Tabitha told John in the letter about Mr. Washington drawing a 6 pointed star, and how that Mistress Ross designed a flag that would be adopted by congress. 
She described the flag:
*it had 13 stripes {of red and white}
*it had 13 stars 
*the 13 in stars and stripes represented the 13 colonies

The boys made edible flags. They enjoyed preparing the icing {butter, salt, vanilla, and powdered sugar}, desigining the flags, and mostly eating them!
Thomas, busy working
 Nathaniel working hard
 I made one too!!
 Thomas loved the icing
 This boy just loves to eat period.
 And Baby Hattie screaming for more!!
Sarah was at preschool, but got to "play" once she came home.

We also read about a little girl named Prudence. She worked hard stitching a little flag of her own just like the one that Betsey Ross designed. Her neighbor, William, heard that the Redcoats were coming. Her mother was sick, and too weak to hide the silver. When the Redcoats did come, William and Prudence, were brave and went to face them with a drum and the flag that Prudence had made. The General for the Redcoats spoke kindly to the children, and ordered his troops to keep marching. 

The boys practiced military drills, and enjoyed every minute of it.

In Tabitha's letter she reminded John of the apple tress, and she even gathered some to send to him. We did an experiment to see what foods were made mostly of water and what food was made of mostly fat.

 I cant get this one turned around. On my computer and camera, its horizontal. But here were the results.

We finished our nonfiction  book If You Lived 100 Years Ago. The boys enjoyed this book and even made a little video from a day's reading.
 Sorry its sideways! And I dont think none of us sound "normal".

We are also still reading White Fang, which the boys just love. We should be finished with it in a few days.


In our Abeka books, we talked about animal habitats, beavers, American songs {The Star Spangled Banner, and My Country Tis of Thee}, Francis Scott Key, and safety away from home.

Each of the boys are still pressing on with their other subjects. 

Thanks for reading!! 

Hattie had a sucker and marshmallows for breakfast......

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