Saturday, February 2, 2013

Unit 22 review {BLHFHG}

Unit 22 Beyond Little Hearts {+ extras}

*We had a very slow week this week, and didn't get a whole lot done, and didn't go in depth like we normally do. I also have a prayer request, we had a friend {wife, and mother of 2 young children} who went on to her Heavenly home this week, please keep her family and friends in prayer, the Hall family*

Bible Verse:
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 
2 Corinthians 9:7 

We talked about being cheerful givers. We remembered times that we have given things or our time or talent cheerfully, as well as times we gave grudgingly. We know that God loves a cheerful giver, so we are going to try our best to give more cheerfully. 

We read about Benjamin Franklin and learned that he was a very kind man and a cheerful giver. He enjoyed sharing his inventions with the people of Philadelphia. He invented the lightening rod and he even made an iron stove for a family that needed to stay warm in the winter.
We also learned of Deacon Drowne, a copper smith in Boston. The children {one was Samuel Adams} loved to stop by and see his creations. One favorite was a  large copper grasshopper. 
Peter Faneuil, was also a very giving man. He gave the city of Boston a new public hall. We searched youtube for videos of Faneuil Hall and found a few that were interesting. The grasshopper that Deacon Drowne made was placed as a weather vane on top of the new market. {We didn't get to make the replica of  Faneuil Hall, and we hope to get to that next week}.

We learned about the lightening rod and about lightening and how to count how many miles away the storm is by counting the seconds after the lightening strikes until the thunder sounds.
We studied insects in our science book. We learned that they have 3 main body parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. We made some homemade peanut butter play dough, and turned it into grasshoppers. 

We found some things on a map:
the Atlantic Ocean
Lake Erie

We didn't read too much from our nonfiction book If You Lived 100 Years Ago. We will make the bubble map next week, since I think my boys would enjoy that.
We finished Lisa and the Drainpipe Prayer. And we read an Amelia Bedelia book.

Science: We talked about having good hygeine, and keeping our skin and teeth clean. We also talked about getting enough exercise, sunlight, and rest.

Health: We talked about our nose and how our nose is used for smelling, and the different parts of our nose. We talked about getting enough vitamin C and drinking lots of liquids to prevent colds. We also talked about the importance of brushing our teeth and going to the dentist. We talked about our household chores and why we should keep our house "straightened". We also talked about what type of clothes we wear in each season.

Our America: We reviewed the 4 states that touch our state {North Carolina}. I quizzed the boys on facts about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, and they did really well.  We read about Memorial Day and Flag day. We also read about Betsy Ross, and learned more about the American Flag. We read about the Fourth of July, the Liberty Bell, and Labor Day.

self portrait of Boots

 Hattie caught on the table {again}.
 This is where Thomas loves to sit while I read.
 Hattie and mommy {I sure am going to miss this one day}
 We took Friday off, and went to the local science center and then to McDonalds with some friends.

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