Friday, November 16, 2012

unit 14 review

Unit 14

Bible Verse:
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, 
believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions:
 if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

*An Indian came to tell the Pilgrims of a new ship out in the sea that was headed for Plymoth. The Pilgirms were worried that it could be a French ship, so they everyone armed and a cannon ready just in case. {Every boy who was old enough even carried a gun. My boys are sure that they would have been able to handle the job}.

*The ship turned out to be an English ship, with 35 passengers. The Pilgrims were running out of food, and the ship didnt bring any food. The Pilgrims bought some corn from some Indians up the coast and they shared all the food they did have equally.

*This is the Cross of Saint George, the flag that was flying on the ship, designed by "King James" in 1603.

*An Indian messenger came to the Pilgrims with news of a planned attack. He brought arrows wrapped in snakeskin. Governer Bradford filled the skin with gunpowder and sent it back to the Indian chief. The Indians were scared and never attacked. The Pilgrims built a large fence around their town for better protection.

 *These are snakes we made. I helped with cutting and we used the "holes" I already from our hole puncher.

*The Indian chief, Massasoit, became deathly ill. The Indians sent for the Pilgrims to help. Edward Winslow made him a broth soup, and soon the Indian chief started getting better.

 *we were suposed to do an experiment with chicken broth, but I forgot to get some at the we skipped that

*On Friday, we read about Moses, the Israelites, the Egyptians, and Pharoh. God had a plan for the Israelites, just as he did the Pilgrims, and you and I. The Israelites trusted God, just as the Pilgrims trusted God.  And guess what?? We need to trust God also, and let him fight our battles.

*We did an experiment with pepper and dish see what it would have been like for the Israelites to see the Red Sea parting.

*Math this week has been really easy for both boys. Nathaniel is learning  "twins", and reviewing addition and "what comes next". Thomas is doing patterns, and has learned multiplication by 5's. Nathaniel earned a little over $12 {in one day} for his math work. He was using the coins for his addition problems, and since there was no complaining, I let him keep the money for the store  which is having a 1/2 price sale on all items today!!

*Nathaniel with his money!! 


*Thomas's reading book for this week was an Amelia Bedelia book, and well, it took him all of 1 day to complete this book. He loved it!!

*This is Thomas's writing/drawing for this week.

*On Monday, we mopped the dining room/ school room floor. 

Sarah all ready for preschool

Next week, we are taking a break from our studies since its Thanksgiving week. I like to do for 5 days or none that week. We will be doing lots of Thanksgiving crafts and having lots of fun with friends and family!!

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