Friday, November 2, 2012

unit 12 review {BLHFHG}

Unit 12

This is our review week for our Bible verses. 

We go over a different verse every day 
that we have already studied.

The week started a little "off schedule", not that we really have a schedule, but we had to do school Monday night. I like to let the kids sleep in and at least start school by 10:30 {a.m. LOL}. We took Thomas to Chapel Hill {3 hr drive} to have his burn   checked. We did as much school that evening as we could handle {it was hard with Daddy being home} and then we packed up, and finished on Tuesday what we didn't get finished.

We talked about how many of the Pilgrims died the first winter in Plymoth. Thomas was so intrigued that there were only 7 that were able to help "work". We talked about having a cold, and the flu, and other communicable diseases, which is how most of the Pilgrims died that first winterWe did a visual of what happens to our germs when we sneeze and don't cover our mouth, and the difference when we do cover our mouth. The boys had fun being the "aaachooo'er", and the "mouth". 

 We also talked about Samoset, the Indian chief, coming to visit the Pilgrims. They were scared of him at first, but he spoke thier language and even stayed the night with the Pilgrims. A few days later Samoset brought the "big guy" the chief, Massasoit to meet Governor Carver. At that meeting in the common house, the Pilgrims and the Indians made a piece treaty that lasted 50 years! This is also when Squanto came to live with the Pilgrims. He taught the Pilgrims how to fish, trap animals, and plant corn. 

The boys learned how to use a key on a map, and make their own map with a key.  


Squanto and Edward Winslow taught each other thier languages. The Indians used picture drawings to communicate. Thomas "wrote" a story with pictures to show how the Indians would tell a story. 

We finished Sarah Witcher's Story this week. Once again, I cried...and the boys wanted the story to last longer. Our next book is from the genre of fantasy.  We will be reading The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden. If we finish that book early, we'll also read Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.

One thing I love about using Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory  is that on Friday we take a break from our history lesson and we read an extra passage from the Bible, but it always ties into what we have learned that week. This week, we leared about trust, God's will,and  the Holy Ghost.

We made "peace" hearts with coffee filters, water, and food coloring. We talked about the Holy Ghost and peace, comforting us through the good times and the bad times and how God was with the Pilgrims during the same.


Thomas is going back over multiplication tables. He did this some last year, so he's picking it up quickly. Nathaniel is learning the nickle, its worth, and counting by 5's.

In reading/phonics....
Thomas is moving right along with the emerging readers, finishing up Toad and Frog this week and moving on to Wagon Wheels next week. Nathaniel is getting better and better at sounding out words. He's mastered the letters/sounds and is learning lots of blends. 

Sarah is loving preschool. She loves the interaction with the other children, and she loves her teacher!!

Hattie is picking up new words left and right. My other kids teach her so much. She's learning her body parts, how to sneeze, and even how to cross her arms when she's being sassy. 

 Thomas must have gotten ahold of my camera!!

 Hattie enjoying her new seat!!

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