This is the "short" version.........
On June 22nd, 2012 we had a birthday party for Nathaniel and were burning pizza boxes. Once the actual fire had burnt out, my nephew and my son, Thomas both ran through the ashes {we were here, but not right there with them}. My nephew was fine {and had jeans on}, but Thomas {had shorts on}, got burnt. We called the fire dept. and they came out and cleaned his leg. We took care of his leg the best we could until we got him down to the burn center at Chapel Hill. We went down there every 2 week until it was healed enough to wait 3 months. During those 3 months, he wore a compression sock along with sunscreen {for the first year} and Eucerin.
On Monday, Thomas had his recheck back at the burn center. It takes almost 3 hours to get to the hospital, but it's well worth the drive. The doctors and nurses there are awesome, and were always good to us. They have released Thomas from their care and said that everything looked great!!
The Lord was with him the whole time, it was a very scary experience, but we look back now and can see that Thomas has a testimony that lots of others dont have. It could have been much, much worse.
Here are some pictures from the night he burnt it until today.
***Warning*** Please do not look if you have a weak stomach.
This was the first photo, taken after the accident, and after the fireman came and cleaned it for us.
Thomas unwrapping the bandages. We had to clean it once a day with soap and water and redress it.
was today about 1.5 week after the accident. The pictures look a lot
better than if you looked at it in real life. Its a really deep burn
{thus the white tissue}. That is NOT infection, just a deep burn.

I was trying to get a good picture of the deepness, not sure that you can really tell in this one

All bandaged up and ready to play!!

taken 7-24-12
Its healing up =) The white tissue is going away and the hole is closing up.He was given a new cream the last time we were there, and it started looking a lot better.

burn is 100% healed!! We went back to the burn center yesterday and
they said no more compression sock {unless he wants to wear it}, now its
just sunscreen and Eucerin daily!! Thank you Lord for watching over my